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Transpaleti manuali

Vă punem la dispoziție o gamă foarte largă de transpaleți manuali, foarte performanți și cu diverse capacității și funcții. Astfel că dacă ești în căutarea unor astfel de produse, ai nimerit în locul potrivit și poți profita de diversele beneficii pe care ți le oferim atunci când vei achiziționa de la Totodată, nu mai ești nevoit să te deplasezi până la magazinele de specialitate, întrucât din confortul casei tale poți vizualiza nenumărate produse și poți cere o ofertă direct din site-ul nostru. Însă, acesta nu este singurul avantaj, întrucât prețurile sunt foarte accesibile, iar calitatea produselor îți vor depăși așteptările.

Modelele de transpaleți manuali

Gama largă de modele de transpaleți manuali îți dă posibilitatea de a alege ceva potrivit pentru nevoile pe care le ai, astfel că aducem în vedere modelul HPT HX10M de diferite dimensiuni, precum 1150x540, 1150x680, 1500x540, 1800x540 sau 2000x540, cu o capacitate de 1000 kg, foarte ușor de manevrat și rezistent. Dispunem și de modele de transpaleți cu ridicare, din inox, de 1150x540. De asemenea, transpaleții GS pot fi de mai multe tipuri, precum B98 Pro, de 1150x525 mm, Basic de 1000x525 mm, 1000x685 mm, 1150X525 mm, 800x525 mm, 1000x525 mm și nu numai. Modelul GS L Pro se regăsește în mai multe variante de 1000x685 mm, 1220x685 mm, 1150x685 mm, iar cele mini pot fi de 800x400 mm. Avem și transpaleți cu ridicare rapidă, cu cântar, de inox, foarte durabili și performanți. Transpaleții silențioși sunt ideali pentru locurile în care nu trebuie să fie zgomot, iar cei zincați pot fi utilizați, în mod special, în industria alimentară și farmaceutică.

Raport preț-calitate foarte bun

Unul dintre cele mai mari avantaje de care trebuie să profiți constă în raportul calitate-preț care se dovedește a fi peste așteptări deoarece produsele sunt foarte performante, profesionale și cu o durată de viață îndelungată, iar prețurile acestora se regăsesc a fi mici în comparație cu ceea ce se oferă pe piață. Astfel că poți beneficia și tu de aceste avantaje atunci când alegi să cumperi de la noi.

Cere o ofertă rapid

Poți cere o ofertă direct de pe site-ul nostru sau poți adăuga produsele în coș și să plasezi comanda foarte rapid, fără prea mult efort suplimentar. Economisește timpul pe care ai fi putut să îl pierzi căutând un transpalet potrivit în magazinele fizice, astfel că te poți ocupa de alte activități prioritare pentru tine. La vei fi sigur că ai ales ce trebuia, iar de restul ne ocupăm noi. Livrarea se va face foarte rapid, echipa noastră asigurând transportul produselor în siguranță. De asemenea, dacă ai nevoie de răspunsuri la anumite neclarități, ne poți contacta prin telefon sau prin email, iar noi îți vom răspunde cu maximă promptitudine.

Disponibil: In Stoc Model: GSAV15S21150525
LIZA CU RIDICARE RAPIDATRANSPALET CU RIDICARE RAPIDA LIFTER PRAMAC GS/AV RA 25S2 1150X525EASY TO MOVELIFTER GS PROThe GS PRO Series is an excellent tool for lifting and carrying loads on pallets or size standardised containers, thanks to its lightweight, smooth movement and manoeuvrability.HYDRAULIC UNITResistant and reliable one piece cast iron pump, worked with numerical control machine, including:• MAXIMUM PRESSURE VALVE: safety device that ensures the transpallet against overloads. When the ..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: GSAV25S41150525
LIZA TRANSPALET CU RIDICARE RAPIDA LIFTER PRAMAC GS/AV RA 25S4 1150X525EASY TO MOVELIFTER GS PROThe GS PRO Series is an excellent tool for lifting and carrying loads on pallets or size standardised containers, thanks to its lightweight, smooth movement and manoeuvrability.HYDRAULIC UNITResistant and reliable one piece cast iron pump, worked with numerical control machine, including:• MAXIMUM PRESSURE VALVE: safety device that ensures the transpallet against overloads. When the pressure inside th..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: GSINOX25S41185555
TRANSPALET LIZA DIN INOX IP65 CU CANTAR GS/P 25S4 1185X555 INOXTHE INOX SCALE PALLET TRUCKSCALE TRUCK GS/P INOXThe GS/P pallet truck is an intelligent and robust tool to be used for weighing and transporting your loads at the same time, making stock and dispatch processes faster, simpler and more efficient. The machine can be equipped with supplements such as printer or SD memory card and thanks to the 4 load cells it is able to be very precise and functional; ideal for checking incoming goods, ..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: LRINOX1150540
LIZA TRANSPALET INOX CU RIDICARE LA MARE INALTIME LIFTER PRAMAC HX10M 1150X540 INOXELEVATOR MARE INALTIMESTAINLESS STEEL MANUAL SCISSOR LIFTSTAINLESS STEELThe HX10M stainless steel scissor lift makes possible an easy and light lifting to aheight of 800 mm thanks to the reliable manual hydraulic pump keeping the goods atthe suitable height to collect/deposit the loads, reducing the operator’s effort. Entirelybuilt in stainless steel AISI 304 (including the pump and piston) suitable to work in the..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: GSI25S21150525
LIZA TRANSPALET DIN INOX Editie speciala pentru industria alimentara si farmaceutica, producator LIFTER PRAMAC GS/I RA 25S2 1150X525STAINLESS STEELMR HYDROMr. Hydro series, which is available in numerous versions, is the ideal tool to handle loads in humid and damp conditions. In particular the ”inox” version is suitable for environments where high hygienic standards are enforced, such as the chemical, pharmaceutical or food& beverage industry.GS/IInox AISI 304 electropolished stainless stee..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: GSI25S41150525
LIZA TRANSPALET DIN INOX Editie speciala, producator LIFTER PRAMAC GS/I RA 25S4 1150X525STAINLESS STEELMR HYDROMr. Hydro series, which is available in numerous versions, is the ideal tool to handleloads in humid and damp conditions. In particular the ”inox” version is suitable forenvironments where high hygienic standards are enforced, such as the chemical,pharmaceutical or food& beverage industry.GS/IInox AISI 304 electropolished stainless steel is used for all metal sheet parts, while thep..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: G6A530UV000
Liza manuala cu cantarCapacitate maxima 2000 kgInaltime stivuitor 115 mmLatime globala 555 mmDimensiuni furca 1185..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: PX25S41185555
Transpalet cu cantar LIFTER PRAMAC PX25 1185X555SCALE PALLET TRUCKPX25 S4 1185x555The PX25 pallet truck is a simple, economical and robust tool to be used for lifting and weighing of transported loads. Thanks to the 4 load cells it is able to be very precise and functional in all internal weighing operations; ideal for checking incoming goods, avoiding overloads and determining shipping weights.DISPLAYIts large-sized 6 digits LCD display provides accurate and precise weighing in kg and lb.The se..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: GSPESA25S41185555
Transpalet Liza, cu cantar si tiparire de bon LIFTER PRAMAC GS/P 25S4 1185X555THE HOMOLOGATED SCALE PALLET TRUCKSCALE TRUCK GS/PThe GS/P pallet truck is an intelligent and robust tool to be used for weighing and transporting your loads at the same time, making stock and dispatch processes faster, simpler and more efficient. The machine can be equipped with supplements such as printer or SD memory card and thanks to the 4 load cells it is able to be very precise and functional; ideal for checking..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: GSSIL20S61150525
Liza silentioasa Transpalet silentios LIFTER PRAMAC GS SILENCE 20S6 1150X525THE SILENT ITALIAN MADE HAND PALLET TRUCKThe GS Silenced hand palletruck has been designed to strongly reduce the noise emission even in the worse working condition: rough and tiled surfaces.The result is an ideal machine for the usage on residential areas deliveries and in supermarket storesGS SILENCE - PIEK CERTIFIEDIn 1998 the Dutch Government set out standards for noise emission during loading and unloading in retail..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: GSSIL20S6800525
LIZA SILENTIOASA, TRANSPALET SILENTIOS LIFTER GS SILENCE 20S6 800X525THE SILENT ITALIAN MADE HAND PALLET TRUCKThe GS Silenced hand palletruck has been designed to strongly reduce the noise emission even in the worse working condition: rough and tiled surfaces.The result is an ideal machine for the usage on residential areas deliveries and in supermarket storesGS SILENCE - PIEK CERTIFIEDIn 1998 the Dutch Government set out standards for noise emission during loading and unloading in retail trade ..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: GSG25S21150525
Transpalet integral din material zincat Pentru industria alimentara si farmaceutica, transpalet rezistent la apa si umezeala, LIFTER PRAMAC GS/G RA 25S2 1150X525Galvanised hand pallet truck (2.500 kg)MR HYDROMr. Hydro series, which is available in numerous versions, is the ideal tool to handle loads in humid and damp conditions. In particular the ”inox” version is suitable for environments where high hygienic standards are enforced, such as the chemical,pharmaceutical or food& beverage indus..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: GSGRA25S2800525
Transpalet Confectionat integral din material zincat ( galvanizat ), pentru industra alimentara si farmaceutica, GS/G RA 25S2 800X525Liza din material zincat ( galvanizat ), pentru mediu umed, cu viata indelungata, folosita in industrie farmaceutica si industrie alimentaraGalvanised hand pallet truck (2.500 kg)MR HYDROMr. Hydro series, which is available in numerous versions, is the ideal tool to handle loads in humid and damp conditions. In particular the ”inox” version is suitable for environm..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: GSG25S41150525
Transpaleti industrialiSpeciali pentru industria alimentara si farmaceutica, transpalet special pentru mediu umed GS/G RA 25S4 1150X525Galvanised hand pallet truck (2.500 kg)MR HYDROMr. Hydro series, which is available in numerous versions, is the ideal tool to handle loads in humid and damp conditions. In particular the ”inox” version is suitable for environments where high hygienic standards are enforced, such as the chemical, pharmaceutical or food& beverage industry.GS/GThe galvanized pa..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: GSGRA25S4800525
Transpalet confectionat integral Din materiale zincate, special pentru industria alimentara si farmaceutica ( medicala ), LIFTER PRAMAC GS/G RA 25S4 800X525Galvanised hand pallet truck (2.500 kg)MR HYDROMr. Hydro series, which is available in numerous versions, is the ideal tool to handle loads in humid and damp conditions. In particular the ”inox” version is suitable for environments where high hygienic standards are enforced, such as the chemical,pharmaceutical or food& beverage industry.G..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: GSL25S21150685
Transpalet liza special pentru industrie Alimentatie si farmaceutica, model LIFTER PRAMAC GS/L G RA 25S2 1150X685Galvanised hand pallet truck (2.500 kg)MR HYDROMr. Hydro series, which is available in numerous versions, is the ideal tool to handle loads in humid and damp conditions. In particular the ”inox” version is suitable for environments where high hygienic standards are enforced, such as the chemical, pharmaceutical or food& beverage industry.GS/GThe galvanized pallet truck offers good..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: GSLG25S21220685
LIZA TRANSPALET ZINCAT ( GALVANIZAT ) GS/L G RA 25S2 1220X685Galvanised hand pallet truck (2.500 kg)MR HYDROMr. Hydro series, which is available in numerous versions, is the ideal tool to handle loads in humid and damp conditions. In particular the ”inox” version is suitable for environments where high hygienic standards are enforced, such as the chemical, pharmaceutical or food& beverage industry.GS/GThe galvanized pallet truck offers good resistance to corrosion thanks to the hot dip galva..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: GSLG25S41150685
Transpaleti manuali din material zincat ( galvanizat ), LIFTER PRAMAC GS/L G RA 25S4 1150X685Galvanised hand pallet truck (2.500 kg)MR HYDROMr. Hydro series, which is available in numerous versions, is the ideal tool to handle loads in humid and damp conditions. In particular the ”inox” version is suitable for environments where high hygienic standards are enforced, such as the chemical, pharmaceutical or food& beverage industry.GS/GThe galvanized pallet truck offers good resistance to corro..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: GSLG25S41220685
LIZA TRANSPALET LIFTER PRAMAC GS/L G RA 25S4 1220X685Galvanised hand pallet truck (2.500 kg)MR HYDROMr. Hydro series, which is available in numerous versions, is the ideal tool to handle loads in humid and damp conditions. In particular the ”inox” version is suitable for environments where high hygienic standards are enforced, such as the chemical, pharmaceutical or food& beverage industry.GS/GThe galvanized pallet truck offers good resistance to corrosion thanks to the hot dip galvanizing p..
0,00 lei
Afişare 41 - 59 din 59 (2 pagini)
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