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Transpaleti electrici

Ai nevoie de transpaleți electrici pentru a manipula marfa pe care o ai în depozit sau supermarket? Fii sigur că la vei regăsi o gamă foarte variată de transpaleți electrici, atât cu ridicare, dar și care dețin cântar sau diverse funcții. Optează pentru gama noastră de produse dacă îți dorești transpaleți performanți și de bună calitate, iar noi te așteptăm cu cele mai rezistente și eficiente soluții pentru nevoile tale. De asemenea, renunță la deplasările până la magazinele fizice deoarece online este mult mai simplu și poți salva foarte mult timp.

Diversitate de transpaleți electrici

Dispunem de diverse modele de transpaleți electrici, cum ar fi cel Agile 950X525, care are o capacitate de ridicare de până la 1200 kg, modelul Liza de 1000x685, cu aceeași capacitate, modelul Agile Plus de 1185x555, care dispune de echipament ce conține un cântar și opțiunea de printare sau card de memorie SD. Transpaletul electric profesional PX Agile Plus dispune de cântar, ridicare hidraulică, încărcare rapidă a bateriei. Avem și transpaleți electrici din inox, gama Evo, Basic sau cu diverse funcții, iar lista poate continua. Te invităm să vizualizezi întreaga ofertă pe care o punem la dispoziție, chiar din confortul casei tale.

Transpaleți profesionali

Modelele de transpaleți electrici sunt profesionale, cu dotări multiple, care să ajute la o utilizare rapida, eficientă și simplă. Toate aceste produse sunt fabricate de către Pramac, producător cu experiență de mulți ani pe piață. Astfel că dorește să ofere clienților doar produse de o calitate înaltă, performante și durabile, fiind caracteristicile principale pe care le vei regăsi la toate tipurile de produse disponibile.

Se pot utiliza în orice spațiu

Transpaleții electrici pe care îi punem la dispoziție se pot utiliza în orice context și locație, care necesită așezarea și transportul pachetelor sau mărfurilor foarte grele și nu numai. Aceste utilaje sunt foarte flexibile și se pot adapta oricărui context, întrucât munca să fie una rapidă și ușoară. Merită să investești într-un astfel de produs, astfel că te așteptăm cu o multitudine de informații și caracteristici, întrucât să faci cea mai bună alegere.

Ne poți contacta direct

Te așteptăm să ne contactezi oricând în cazul în care ești indecis cu privire la alegerea unui model de transpalet electric. Oamenii noștri te pot ajuta cu sfaturi pentru achiziționarea produsului potrivit, întrucât informațiile și recomandările specialiștilor pot fi foarte valoroase. Profită de această oportunitate și beneficiază gratuit de o consultanță.

Costuri avantajoase

Cunoaștem faptul că unul dintre cei mai importanți factori într-o achiziție constă în bugetul disponibil, astfel că nu trebuie să plătești sume foarte mari de bani pentru un astfel de produs. Prețurile modelelor de transpaleți sunt corecte și în concordanță cu caracteristicile, performanța și calitatea de care dau dovadă.

Disponibil: In Stoc Model: EJ711000000
Transpalet electric AGILE 950x525Capacitate maxima de ridicare 1200 kg..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: EJ725000000
Liza electric AGILE 1000x685Capacitate maxima de ridicare 1200..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: AGILEGS12S41185555
LIZA ELECTRICA CU CANTAR TRANSPALET ELECTRIC CU CANTAR LIFTER PRAMAC GS/P AGILE PLUS S4 1185X555THE AGILE SCALE PALLET TRUCKGS/P Agile plusAgile motorized pallet truck with weight indicator combines electric and manual function for convenient usability. Compact, light, simple and easy to use, it also provides an accurate estimate of the weight of the load during the material handling process without delaying the handling of the goods. The machine can be equipped with supplements such as printer ..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: AGILEPLUSPX12S41185555
Transpalet electric profesional cu cantar PX AGILE PLUS 1185X555Liza electrica profesionala cu cantar LIFTER PRAMACTHE AGILE SCALE PALLET TRUCKPX Agile plusAgile motorized pallet truck with weight indicator combines electric and manual function for convenient usability. Compact, light, simple and easy to use, it also provides an accurate estimate of the weight of the load during the material handling process without delaying the handling of the goods. Ideal for checking incoming goods, avoiding ..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: HX10EL540
Transpalet electric cu ridicare Liza electrica cu ridicare LIFTER PRAMAC HX10E 1150X540HIGH LIFT PALLET TRUCK - ELECTRICHX10 EThe HX10E scissor Lift makes possible an easy and light lifting to a height of 800 mm thanks to the reliable electric motor and to the powerful battery.When lifted, it becomes a practical work platform, which is suitable for places such as machine workshops.This pallet truck is also able to carry out the support function and material supply along the assembly and producti..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: HX10EL680
Transpalet electric cu ridicare, Liza electrica cu ridicare HX10E 1150X680HIGH LIFT PALLET TRUCK - ELECTRICHX10 EThe HX10E scissor Lift makes possible an easy and light lifting to a height of 800 mm thanks to the reliable electric motor and to the powerful battery.When lifted, it becomes a practical work platform, which is suitable for places such as machine workshops.This pallet truck is also able to carry out the support function and material supply along the assembly and production lines.TILL..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: HX10E1500540
Liza electrica cu ridicare, Transpalet electric cu ridicare HX10E 1500X540HIGH LIFT PALLET TRUCK - ELECTRICHX10 EThe HX10E scissor Lift makes possible an easy and light lifting to a height of 800 mm thanks to the reliable electric motor and to the powerful battery.When lifted, it becomes a practical work platform, which is suitable for places such as machine workshops.This pallet truck is also able to carry out the support function and material supply along the assembly and production lines.TILL..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: HX10E1800540
Transpalet electric cu ridicare LIFTER PRAMAC HX10E 1800X540HIGH LIFT PALLET TRUCK - ELECTRICHX10 EThe HX10E scissor Lift makes possible an easy and light lifting to a height of 800 mm thanks to the reliable electric motor and to the powerful battery.When lifted, it becomes a practical work platform, which is suitable for places such as machine workshops.This pallet truck is also able to carry out the support function and material supply along the assembly and production lines.TILLERThe handle o..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: HX10E2000540
Liza electrica cu ridicare HX10E 2000X540Transpalet electric cu ridicare HIGH LIFT PALLET TRUCK - ELECTRICHX10 EThe HX10E scissor Lift makes possible an easy and light lifting to a height of 800 mm thanks to the reliable electric motor and to the powerful battery.When lifted, it becomes a practical work platform, which is suitable for places such as machine workshops.This pallet truck is also able to carry out the support function and material supply along the assembly and production lines...
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: TRELRID1150540
Transpalet electric cu ridicare din inoxPentru industria alimentara si farmaceutica LIFTER PRAMAC HX10E 1150X540 INOXLIZA ELECTRICA CU RIDICARE DIN INOXSTAINLESS STEEL ELECTRIC SCISSOR LIFT - IP65STAINLESS STEELThe HX10E stainless steel scissor lift makes possible an easy and light lifting to a height of 800 mm thanks to the reliable electric motor and to the powerful GEL battery keeping the goods at the suitable height to collect/deposit the loads, reducing the operator’s effort. Entirely built..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: EC129N0P000
Transpalet electric LIFTER PRAMACLideri mondiali pe piata..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: EC149N0P000
Transpalet electric LIFTER PRAMACLider mondial pe piata..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: EC109N0P000
Transpalet electric LIFTER PRAMAC AC EVO GELAre marime mica si manevrabilitate buna..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: EC129C00000
Transpalet electric LIFTER PRAMAC 1000x520Sunt lideri mondiali pe piata..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: EC149C00000
Transpalet electric LIFTER PRAMAC 1150x520Are o manevrabilitate foarte usoaraTranspalet electric pret calitate cel mai bun raport..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: EC109C00000
Transpalet electric LIFTER PRAMAC 800x520Are marime mica si manevrabilitate buna..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: CX12S21000520
TRANSPALET ELECTRIC PROFESIONAL CX12 S2 1000X520SMALL SIZE, GREAT MANOEUVRABILITYCX12The CX12 electric pallet truck is suitable for carrying loads on smooth or paved surfaces. Its small size and turning radius make it the ideal tool to work with in confined spaces, such as lorries or narrow aisles.MANOEUVRABILITYThanks to the B1 width, which is equal to the fork gauge, and the L2 measurement of 360 mm, the CX12 electronic pallet truck is the ideal tool for the handling of pallets on lorries, in ..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: CX12S21000520EVO
TRANSPALET ELECTRIC PROFESIONAL LIFTER PRAMAC CX12 S2 1000X520 EVOPOWERFUL, COMPACT, MANOEUVRABLECX12The CX12 electric pallet truck is suitable for carrying loads on smooth or paved surfaces. Its small size and turning radius make it the ideal tool to work with in confined spaces, such as lorries or narrow aisles.EVOEVO version is specifically designed to provide higher performance, reliability and speed through the innovative powerful three-phase AC technology, while reducing noise emission and..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: CX12S21000520PLUS
TRANSPALET ELECTRIC PROFESIONAL CX12 S2 1000X520 PLUSLIZA ELECTRICA PROFESIONALA LIFTER PRAMAC SMALL SIZE, GREAT MANOEUVRABILITYCX12The CX12 electric pallet truck is suitable for carrying loads on smooth or paved surfaces. Its small size and turning radius make it the ideal tool to work with in confined spaces, such as lorries or narrow aisles.MANOEUVRABILITYThanks to the B1 width, which is equal to the fork gauge, and the L2 measurement of 360 mm, the CX12 electronic pallet truck is the ideal t..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: CX12S21150520
TRANSPALET ELECTRIC CX12 S2 1150X520SMALL SIZE, GREAT MANOEUVRABILITYCX12The CX12 electric pallet truck is suitable for carrying loads on smooth or paved surfaces. Its small size and turning radius make it the ideal tool to work with in confined spaces, such as lorries or narrow aisles.MANOEUVRABILITYThanks to the B1 width, which is equal to the fork gauge, and the L2 measurement of 360 mm, the CX12 electronic pallet truck is the ideal tool for the handling of pallets on lorries, in supermarket ..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: CX12S21150520EVO
TRANSPALET ELECTRIC PROFESIONAL LIFTER PRAMAC CX12 S2 1150X520 EVOPOWERFUL, COMPACT, MANOEUVRABLECX12The CX12 electric pallet truck is suitable for carrying loads on smooth or paved surfaces. Its small size and turning radius make it the ideal tool to work with in confined spaces, such as lorries or narrow aisles.EVOEVO version is specifically designed to provide higher performance, reliability and speed through the innovative powerful three-phase AC technology, while reducing noise emission and..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: CX12S21150520PLUS
TRANSPALET ELECTRIC PROFESIONAL CX12 S2 1150X520 PLUSSMALL SIZE, GREAT MANOEUVRABILITYCX12The CX12 electric pallet truck is suitable for carrying loads on smooth or paved surfaces. Its small size and turning radius make it the ideal tool to work with in confined spaces, such as lorries or narrow aisles.MANOEUVRABILITYThanks to the B1 width, which is equal to the fork gauge, and the L2 measurement of 360 mm, the CX12 electronic pallet truck is the ideal tool for the handling of pallets on lorries..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: CX12S2800520
TRANSPALET ELECTRIC LIZA ELECTRICA CX12 S2 800X520LIFTER PRAMAC ROMANIA SMALL SIZE, GREAT MANOEUVRABILITYCX12The CX12 electric pallet truck is suitable for carrying loads on smooth or paved surfaces. Its small size and turning radius make it the ideal tool to work with in confined spaces, such as lorries or narrow aisles.MANOEUVRABILITYThanks to the B1 width, which is equal to the fork gauge, and the L2 measurement of 360 mm, the CX12 electronic pallet truck is the ideal tool for the handling of..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: CX12S2800520EVO
Transpalet electric Profesional LIFTER PRAMAC CX12 S2 800X520 EVOLiza electrica LIFTER PRAMACPOWERFUL, COMPACT, MANOEUVRABLECX12The CX12 electric pallet truck is suitable for carrying loads on smooth or paved surfaces. Its small size and turning radius make it the ideal tool to work with in confined spaces, such as lorries or narrow aisles.EVOEVO version is specifically designed to provide higher performance, reliability and speed through the innovative powerful three-phase AC technology, while ..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: CX12S2800520PLUS
TRANSPALET ELECTRIC PROFESIONAL LIFTER PRAMAC CX12 S2 800X520 PLUSLIZA ELECTRICA PROFESIONALASMALL SIZE, GREAT MANOEUVRABILITYCX12The CX12 electric pallet truck is suitable for carrying loads on smooth or paved surfaces. Its small size and turning radius make it the ideal tool to work with in confined spaces, such as lorries or narrow aisles.MANOEUVRABILITYThanks to the B1 width, which is equal to the fork gauge, and the L2 measurement of 360 mm, the CX12 electronic pallet truck is the ideal too..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: QX20ACEVOS41000685
Transpalet electric LIZA ELECTRICA QX20 EVO AC S4 1000X685THE PROFESSIONAL CHOICEQX EVO EPTThe new QX is the perfect electric pallet truck suitable for heavy duty applications, ideal for transport over short distances. State-of-the-art proven technology, powerful and reliable motors, excellent manoeuvrability thanks to the compact dimensions, this product is the most competitive solution for your application in medium size warehouses, such as loading/unloading lorries, even in multi shift uses.Q..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: QX20ACEVOS41150540
TRANSPALET ELECTRIC LIFTER QX20 EVO AC S4 1150X540THE PROFESSIONAL CHOICEQX EVO EPTThe new QX is the perfect electric pallet truck suitable for heavy duty applications, ideal for transport over short distances. State-of-the-art proven technology, powerful and reliable motors, excellent manoeuvrability thanks to the compact dimensions, this product is the most competitive solution for your application in medium size warehouses, such as loading/unloading lorries, even in multi shift uses.QX20 EVOQ..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: QX20PACEVOS41000685
LIZA ELECTRICA TRANSPALET ELECTRIC DIN GAMA DE MODELE TRANSPALETI ELECTRICI LIZE ELECTRICE LIFTER PRAMAC QX20P EVO AC S4 1000X685MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE AND VERSATILITYQX20P EVO EPTThe new QX is the perfect electric pallet truck suitable for heavy duty applications, ideal for transport over medium-long distances. State-of-the-art proven technology, powerful and reliable motors, excellent manoeuvrability thanks to the compact dimensions, make this products the most competitive solution for intensive ..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: QX20PACEVOS41150540
TRANSPALETI ELECTRICI LIZE ELECTRICE TRANSPALET ELECTRIC LIFTER PRAMAC QX20P EVO AC S4 1150X540MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE AND VERSATILITYQX20P EVO EPTThe new QX is the perfect electric pallet truck suitable for heavy duty applications, ideal for transport over medium-long distances. State-of-the-art proven technology, powerful and reliable motors, excellent manoeuvrability thanks to the compact dimensions, make this products the most competitive solution for intensive logistic application, such as load..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: AGILE12S41150525
Transpalet electric profesional LIFTER PRAMAC AGILE S4 1150X525LIZA ELECTRICA PROFESIONALA THE INNOVATIVE PALLET TRUCK (1.200 KG)AGILEThe innovative motorized pallet truck that combines electric and manual function for convenient usability.Compact, light, simple and easy to use, AGILE is the perfect pallet truck to minimize the operator effort, increasing efficiency and safety. Ideal in deliveries, supermarket, and retail shop, it can be used by everyone.DOUBLE TRACTION WHEELThe first palle..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: EJ765000000
Transpalet electric AGILE 1220x685Capcitate maxima de ridicare 1200 kg..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: EJ791000000
Liza electrica AGILE 1500x525Capacitate maxima de ridicare 1200 kg..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: EJ7A1000000
Transpalet electric AGILE 1800x525Capacitate maxima de ridicare 1200 kg..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: EJ7B1000000
Liza electrica AGILE 2000x525Capacitate maxima de ridicare 1200 kg..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: EJ701000000
Liza electrica AGILE 800x525Capacitate maxima de ridicare 1200 Kg..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: AGILE12S41150525
TRANSPALET ELECTRIC PROFESIONAL AGILE PLUS S4 1150X525LIZA ELECTRICA PROFESIONALA LIFTER PRAMAC THE INNOVATIVE PALLET TRUCK (1.200 KG)AGILE TRANSPALETE ELECTRICEThe innovative motorized pallet truck that combines electric and manual function for convenient usability.Compact, light, simple and easy to use, AGILE is the perfect pallet truck to minimize the operator effort, increasing efficiency and safety. Ideal in deliveries, supermarket, and retail shop, it can be used by everyone.AGILE PLU..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: AGILEPLUS12S41000685
Transpalet electric profesionalAGILE PLUS S4 1000X685Liza electrica profesionalaTHE INNOVATIVE PALLET TRUCK (1.200 KG)AGILEThe innovative motorized pallet truck that combines electric and manual function for convenient usability.Compact, light, simple and easy to use, AGILE is the perfect pallet truck to minimize the operator effort, increasing efficiency and safety.Ideal in deliveries, supermarket, and retail shop, it can be used by everyone.AGILE PLUSThe AGILE PLUS is equipped with a Li-ION po..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: EJR411M0S00
Transpalet electric AGILE PLUS 1150x525Capacitate maxima de ridicare 1200 kg..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: EJ765100000
Liza electrica AGILE PLUS 1220x685Capacitate maxima de ridicare 1200 kg..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: AGILEPLUS12S41800525
TRANSPALET ELECTRIC PROFESIONAL LIFTER PRAMAC AGILE PLUS S4 1800X525THE INNOVATIVE PALLET TRUCK (1.200 KG)AGILEThe innovative motorized pallet truck that combines electric and manual function for convenient usability.Compact, light, simple and easy to use, AGILE is the perfect pallet truck to minimize the operator effort, increasing efficiency and safety. Ideal in deliveries, supermarket, and retail shop, it can be used by everyone.AGILE PLUSThe AGILE PLUS is equipped with a Li-ION powerful BATT..
0,00 lei
Afişare 1 - 40 din 64 (2 pagini)
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