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Transpaleti manuali semielectrici si electrici stackere

Transpaleții manuali, semi-electrici și electrici sunt ideali pentru utilizarea în industriile, unde se manipulează marfa, precum supermarket-uri, depozite, industria farmaceutică, de construcții sau alimentară și nu numai. În magazinul nostru vei regăsi o ofertă nenumărată de astfel de produse, în diverse modele, produse de către Pramac, companie cu o vastă experiență în acest domeniu. Prețurile bune, calitatea produselor și funcționarea impecabilă a acestora reprezintă doar câteva avantaje de care poți beneficia achiziționând de la noi. Ai posibilitatea de a plasa comanda direct sau poți cere o ofertă, unde echipa noastră te va putea contact în cel mai scurt timp.

Foarte multe modele

Punem la dispoziție o multitudine de modele de transpaleți manuali, electrici și semi-electrici, de o mare performanță și profesionali, cu o durată de viață îndelungată și foarte ușor de utilizat. De asemenea, aceștia dispun de tehnologii de ultimă generație care garantează un consum redus de energie și cu durată de viață a bateriei foarte mare, reducând costurile de mentenanță. De asemenea, avem și stivuitoare complet electrice, cu o capacitate de încărcare de până la 1.000 kg, foarte rezistente și cu mare siguranță în utilizarea acestora.

Vezi întreaga ofertă

Îți propunem să analizezi fiecare produs în parte, întrucât online este mult mai rapid și simplu. Poți accesa informații nenumărate despre fiecare transpalete pentru a face cea mai optimă alegere. Produsele sunt de o diversitate ridicată, astfel că sigur vei putea găsi o soluție care să se plieze pe nevoile tale.

Calitate și profesionalism

Oferim clienților noștri doar produse de o calitate ireproșabilă, întrucât gama noastră de transpaleți este pusă la dispoziție și fabricată de către Pramac, unul dintre cei mai buni producători din această industrie. Alege să colaborezi doar cu profesioniștii din domeniu pentru a beneficia de cele mai bune produse pe care le poți găsi.

Oferim consultanță

Dacă nu te-ai decis cu privire la ceea ce îți trebuie, echipa îți pune la dispoziție serviciul de consultanță, fără alte costuri. Cel mai indicat ar fi să ții cont de părerea specialiștilor pentru o alegere potrivită. Astfel că nu ezita să ne contactezi, atât prin telefon, cât și prin email pentru diverse detalii și nelămuriri pe care le ai.

Comandă rapid și simplu

Prin magazinul nostru online poți beneficia de confort și de economisire a timpului, întrucât nu trebuie să te mai duci la magazinele de specialitate fizice, unde poți întâmpina diverse situații neplăcute, precum lipsa stocurilor sau aglomerația. Alege să comanzi direct de pe site-ul nostru și fii sigur că îți vom livra produsele în timp util.

Pentru diverse contexte

Gama de transpaleÈ›i este constituită din produse care pot fi utilizate în diverse contexte, atunci când vine vorba de transportarea mărfii. De la industria alimentară, la cea de construcÈ›ii, până la depozite, aceste produse se pot adapta diferitelor nevoi. 

Disponibil: In Stoc Model: QX20ACEVOS41150540
TRANSPALET ELECTRIC LIFTER QX20 EVO AC S4 1150X540THE PROFESSIONAL CHOICEQX EVO EPTThe new QX is the perfect electric pallet truck suitable for heavy duty applications, ideal for transport over short distances. State-of-the-art proven technology, powerful and reliable motors, excellent manoeuvrability thanks to the compact dimensions, this product is the most competitive solution for your application in medium size warehouses, such as loading/unloading lorries, even in multi shift uses.QX20 EVOQ..
0,00 lei
Transpalet electric LIFTER QX20 EVO AC S4 1150x540 cu baterie
Lipsa stoc
Disponibil: Lipsa stoc Model: QX20ACEVOS41150540B
TRANSPALET ELECTRIC PROFESIONAL LIFTER PRAMAC CU BATERIE INCLUSA QX20 EVO AC S4 1150X540THE PROFESSIONAL CHOICEQX EVO EPTThe new QX is the perfect electric pallet truck suitable for heavy duty applications, ideal for transport over short distances. State-of-the-art proven technology, powerful and reliable motors, excellent manoeuvrability thanks to the compact dimensions, this product is the most competitive solution for your application in medium size warehouses, such as loading/unloading lorri..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: QX20PACEVOS41000685
LIZA ELECTRICA TRANSPALET ELECTRIC DIN GAMA DE MODELE TRANSPALETI ELECTRICI LIZE ELECTRICE LIFTER PRAMAC QX20P EVO AC S4 1000X685MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE AND VERSATILITYQX20P EVO EPTThe new QX is the perfect electric pallet truck suitable for heavy duty applications, ideal for transport over medium-long distances. State-of-the-art proven technology, powerful and reliable motors, excellent manoeuvrability thanks to the compact dimensions, make this products the most competitive solution for intensive ..
0,00 lei
Transpalet electric LIFTER QX20P EVO AC S4 1000x685 cu baterie 375Ah
Lipsa stoc
Disponibil: Lipsa stoc Model: QX20PACEVOS41000685B
LIZA TRANSPALET LIFTER PRAMAC LIZE PROFESIONALE TRANSPALETI PROFESIONALI QX20P EVO AC S4 1000X685Transpalet electric cu baterie inclusa 375AhMAXIMUM PERFORMANCE AND VERSATILITYQX20P EVO EPTThe new QX is the perfect electric pallet truck suitable for heavy duty applications, ideal for transport over medium-long distances. State-of-the-art proven technology, powerful and reliable motors, excellent manoeuvrability thanks to the compact dimensions, make this products the most competitive solution fo..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: QX20PACEVOS41150540
TRANSPALETI ELECTRICI LIZE ELECTRICE TRANSPALET ELECTRIC LIFTER PRAMAC QX20P EVO AC S4 1150X540MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE AND VERSATILITYQX20P EVO EPTThe new QX is the perfect electric pallet truck suitable for heavy duty applications, ideal for transport over medium-long distances. State-of-the-art proven technology, powerful and reliable motors, excellent manoeuvrability thanks to the compact dimensions, make this products the most competitive solution for intensive logistic application, such as load..
0,00 lei
Transpalet electric LIFTER QX20P EVO AC S4 1150x540 cu baterie 375Ah
Lipsa stoc
Disponibil: Lipsa stoc Model: QX20PACEVOS41150540B
TRANSPALET ELECTRIC QX20P EVO AC S4 1150X540Liza electrica profesionala LIFTER PRAMAC MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE AND VERSATILITYQX20P EVO EPTThe new QX is the perfect electric pallet truck suitable for heavy duty applications, ideal for transport over medium-long distances. State-of-the-art proven technology, powerful and reliable motors, excellent manoeuvrability thanks to the compact dimensions, make this products the most competitive solution for intensive logistic application, such as loading/..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: AGILE12S41150525
Transpalet electric profesional LIFTER PRAMAC AGILE S4 1150X525LIZA ELECTRICA PROFESIONALA THE INNOVATIVE PALLET TRUCK (1.200 KG)AGILEThe innovative motorized pallet truck that combines electric and manual function for convenient usability.Compact, light, simple and easy to use, AGILE is the perfect pallet truck to minimize the operator effort, increasing efficiency and safety. Ideal in deliveries, supermarket, and retail shop, it can be used by everyone.DOUBLE TRACTION WHEELThe first palle..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: EJ765000000
Transpalet electric AGILE 1220x685Capcitate maxima de ridicare 1200 kg..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: EJ791000000
Liza electrica AGILE 1500x525Capacitate maxima de ridicare 1200 kg..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: EJ7A1000000
Transpalet electric AGILE 1800x525Capacitate maxima de ridicare 1200 kg..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: EJ7B1000000
Liza electrica AGILE 2000x525Capacitate maxima de ridicare 1200 kg..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: EJ701000000
Liza electrica AGILE 800x525Capacitate maxima de ridicare 1200 Kg..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: AGILE12S41150525
TRANSPALET ELECTRIC PROFESIONAL AGILE PLUS S4 1150X525LIZA ELECTRICA PROFESIONALA LIFTER PRAMAC THE INNOVATIVE PALLET TRUCK (1.200 KG)AGILE TRANSPALETE ELECTRICEThe innovative motorized pallet truck that combines electric and manual function for convenient usability.Compact, light, simple and easy to use, AGILE is the perfect pallet truck to minimize the operator effort, increasing efficiency and safety. Ideal in deliveries, supermarket, and retail shop, it can be used by everyone.AGILE PLU..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: AGILEPLUS12S41000685
Transpalet electric profesionalAGILE PLUS S4 1000X685Liza electrica profesionalaTHE INNOVATIVE PALLET TRUCK (1.200 KG)AGILEThe innovative motorized pallet truck that combines electric and manual function for convenient usability.Compact, light, simple and easy to use, AGILE is the perfect pallet truck to minimize the operator effort, increasing efficiency and safety.Ideal in deliveries, supermarket, and retail shop, it can be used by everyone.AGILE PLUSThe AGILE PLUS is equipped with a Li-ION po..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: EJR411M0S00
Transpalet electric AGILE PLUS 1150x525Capacitate maxima de ridicare 1200 kg..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: EJ765100000
Liza electrica AGILE PLUS 1220x685Capacitate maxima de ridicare 1200 kg..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: AGILEPLUS12S41500525
TRANSPALET ELECTRIC PROFESIONAL AGILE PLUS S4 1500X525THE INNOVATIVE PALLET TRUCK (1.200 KG)AGILEThe innovative motorized pallet truck that combines electric and manual function for convenient usability.Compact, light, simple and easy to use, AGILE is the perfect pallet truck to minimize the operator effort, increasing efficiency and safety.Ideal in deliveries, supermarket, and retail shop, it can be used by everyone.AGILE PLUSThe AGILE PLUS is equipped with a Li-ION powerful BATTERY 36V 12,8Ah ..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: AGILEPLUS12S41800525
TRANSPALET ELECTRIC PROFESIONAL LIFTER PRAMAC AGILE PLUS S4 1800X525THE INNOVATIVE PALLET TRUCK (1.200 KG)AGILEThe innovative motorized pallet truck that combines electric and manual function for convenient usability.Compact, light, simple and easy to use, AGILE is the perfect pallet truck to minimize the operator effort, increasing efficiency and safety. Ideal in deliveries, supermarket, and retail shop, it can be used by everyone.AGILE PLUSThe AGILE PLUS is equipped with a Li-ION powerful BATT..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: EJ7B1100000
Transpalet electric AGILE PLUS 2000x525Capacitate maxima de ridicare 1200 kg..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: AGILEPLUS12S4800525
TRANSPALET ELECTRIC PROFESIONAL LIFTER PRAMAC AGILE PLUS S4 800X525THE INNOVATIVE PALLET TRUCK (1.200 KG)AGILEThe innovative motorized pallet truck that combines electric and manual function for convenient usability.Compact, light, simple and easy to use, AGILE is the perfect pallet truck to minimize the operator effort, increasing efficiency and safety.Ideal in deliveries, supermarket, and retail shop, it can be used by everyone.AGILE PLUSThe AGILE PLUS is equipped with a Li-ION powerful BATTER..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: AGILEPLUS12S4950525
TRSNSPALET ELECTRIC LIFTER PRAMAC AGILE PLUS S4 950X525Liza electrica profesionalaTHE INNOVATIVE PALLET TRUCK (1.200 KG)AGILEThe innovative motorized pallet truck that combines electric and manual function for convenient usability.Compact, light, simple and easy to use, AGILE is the perfect pallet truck to minimize the operator effort, increasing efficiency and safety.Ideal in deliveries, supermarket, and retail shop, it can be used by everyone.AGILE PLUSThe AGILE PLUS is equipped with a Li-ION ..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: EX15S21150560
TRANSPALET ELECTRIC PROFESIONAL EX15 1150X560CONVENIENT, EASY TO USEEX15The new EX15 Electric Pallet Truck is the economic solution for your daily light-duty logistic operation. Simple and easy to use thanks to the compact size, low weight, maintenance free AGM battery and on-board charger, the EX15 can carries loads up to 1500 kg also on rampes.MANOEUVRABILITYThe overall width of the machine matches with the fork width (540 mm). This makes the unit as compact as possible and, together with the ..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: CX14ACEVOAGM1000525
TRANSPALET ELECTRIC LIFTER PRAMAC CX14 (II ED.) AC EVO AGM 1000X525BEST PERFORMANCE IN ITS CATEGORYELECTRIC PALLET TRUCK - CX14The new CX14 electric pallet trucks are compact, lightweight and easy to use. They have been specifically designed for use in confined spaces within rail, shops, supermarkets and on-board delivery vehicles.These simple and efficient pallet trucks are built to last and are perfect for all your pedestrian material handling needs.CX14 EVO AGMThe EVO version is equipped with..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: CX14ACEVOAGMS21000685
TRANSPALET ELECTRIC CX14 (II ED.) AC EVO AGM 1000X685BEST PERFORMANCE IN ITS CATEGORYELECTRIC PALLET TRUCK - CX14The new CX14 electric pallet trucks are compact, lightweight and easy to use. They have been specifically designed for use in confined spaces within rail, shops, supermarkets and on-board delivery vehicles.These simple and efficient pallet trucks are built to last and are perfect for all your pedestrian material handling needs.CX14 EVO AGMThe EVO version is equipped with powerful batt..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: CX14ACEVOAGMS21150525
TRANSPALET ELECTRIC LIFTER PRAMAC CX14 (II ED.) AC EVO AGM 1150X525BEST PERFORMANCE IN ITS CATEGORYELECTRIC PALLET TRUCK - CX14The new CX14 electric pallet trucks are compact, lightweight and easy to use. They have been specifically designed for use in confined spaces within rail, shops, supermarkets and on-board delivery vehicles.These simple and efficient pallet trucks are built to last and are perfect for all your pedestrian material handling needs.CX14 EVO AGMThe EVO version is equipped with..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: CX14ACEVOAGMS21150685
TRANSPALET ELECTRIC LIFTER PRAMAC CX14 (II ED.) AC EVO AGM 1150X685BEST PERFORMANCE IN ITS CATEGORYELECTRIC PALLET TRUCK - CX14The new CX14 electric pallet trucks are compact, lightweight and easy to use. They have been specifically designed for use in confined spaces within rail, shops, supermarkets and on-board delivery vehicles.These simple and efficient pallet trucks are built to last and are perfect for all your pedestrian material handling needs.CX14 EVO AGMThe EVO version is equipped with..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: CX14S2EVO800525
Transpalet electric profesional LIFTER PRAMAC CX14 (II ED.) AC EVO AGM 800X525BEST PERFORMANCE IN ITS CATEGORYELECTRIC PALLET TRUCK - CX14The new CX14 electric pallet trucks are compact, lightweight and easy to use. They have been specifically designed for use in confined spaces within rail, shops, supermarkets and on-board delivery vehicles.These simple and efficient pallet trucks are built to last and are perfect for all your pedestrian material handling needs.CX14 EVO AGMThe EVO version is eq..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: CX14ACEVOLIION1000525
TRANSPALET ELECTRIC LIFTER PRAMAC CX14 (II ED.) AC EVO LI-ION 1000X525BEST PERFORMANCE WITH LITHIUM BATTERYELECTRIC PALLET TRUCK - CX14The new CX14 electric pallet trucks are compact, lightweight and easy to use. They have been specifically designed for use in confined spaces within rail, shops, supermarkets and on-board delivery vehicles.These simple and efficient pallet trucks are built to last and are perfect for all your pedestrian material handling needs.EVO LI-ION VERSIONThe innovative CX1..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: CX14ACEVOLIIONS21000685
TRANSPALET ELECTRIC LIZA ELECTRICA CX14 (II ED.) AC EVO LI-ION 1000X685BEST PERFORMANCE WITH LITHIUM BATTERYELECTRIC PALLET TRUCK - CX14The new CX14 electric pallet trucks are compact, lightweight and easy to use. They have been specifically designed for use in confined spaces within rail, shops, supermarkets and on-board delivery vehicles.These simple and efficient pallet trucks are built to last and are perfect for all your pedestrian material handling needs.EVO LI-ION VERSIONThe innovative CX..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: CX14ACEVOLIIONS21150525
TRANSPALET ELECTRIC PROFESIONAL LIFTER PRAMAC CX14 (II ED.) AC EVO LI-ION 1150X525BEST PERFORMANCE WITH LITHIUM BATTERYELECTRIC PALLET TRUCK - CX14The new CX14 electric pallet trucks are compact, lightweight and easy to use. They have been specifically designed for use in confined spaces within rail, shops, supermarkets and on-board delivery vehicles.These simple and efficient pallet trucks are built to last and are perfect for all your pedestrian material handling needs.EVO LI-ION VERSIONThe in..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: GX14ACEVOLIIONS21150685
TRANSPALET ELECTRIC LIFTER PRAMAC CX14 (II ED.) AC EVO LI-ION 1150X685BEST PERFORMANCE WITH LITHIUM BATTERYELECTRIC PALLET TRUCK - CX14The new CX14 electric pallet trucks are compact, lightweight and easy to use. They have been specifically designed for use in confined spaces within rail, shops, supermarkets and on-board delivery vehicles.These simple and efficient pallet trucks are built to last and are perfect for all your pedestrian material handling needs.EVO LI-ION VERSIONThe innovative CX1..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: CX14S2EVOLIION800525
Transpalet electric profesional LIFTER PRAMAC CX14 (II ED.) AC EVO LI-ION 800X525LIZA ELECTRICA LIFTER PRAMACBEST PERFORMANCE WITH LITHIUM BATTERYELECTRIC PALLET TRUCK - CX14The new CX14 electric pallet trucks are compact, lightweight and easy to use. They have been specifically designed for use in confined spaces within rail, shops, supermarkets and on-board delivery vehicles.These simple and efficient pallet trucks are built to last and are perfect for all your pedestrian material handling nee..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: CX14BASICPLUSAGM1000525
TRANSPALET ELECTRIC LIFTER PRAMAC CX14 (II ED.) BASIC PLUS AGM1000X525SMALL SIZE, LONG ENDURANCEELECTRIC PALLET TRUCK - CX14The new CX14 electric pallet trucks are compact, lightweight and easy to use. They have been specifically designed for use in confined spaces within rail, shops, supermarkets and on-board delivery vehicles.These simple and efficient pallet trucks are built to last and are perfect for all your pedestrian material handling needs.BASIC PLUS AGM VERSIONThe PLUS AGM version is e..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: CX14BASICPLUSAGMS21000685
TRANSPALET ELECTRIC LIFTER PRAMAC CX14 (II ED.) BASIC PLUS AGM 1000X685SMALL SIZE, LONG ENDURANCEELECTRIC PALLET TRUCK - CX14The new CX14 electric pallet trucks are compact, lightweight and easy to use. They have been specifically designed for use in confined spaces within rail, shops, supermarkets and on-board delivery vehicles.These simple and efficient pallet trucks are built to last and are perfect for all your pedestrian material handling needs.BASIC PLUS AGM VERSIONThe PLUS AGM version is ..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: CX14BASICPLUSAGMS21150525
TRANSPALET ELECTRIC PROFESIONAL CX14 (II ED.) BASIC PLUS AGM 1150X525SMALL SIZE, LONG ENDURANCEELECTRIC PALLET TRUCK - CX14The new CX14 electric pallet trucks are compact, lightweight and easy to use. They have been specifically designed for use in confined spaces within rail, shops, supermarkets and on-board delivery vehicles.These simple and efficient pallet trucks are built to last and are perfect for all your pedestrian material handling needs.BASIC PLUS AGM VERSIONThe PLUS AGM version is eq..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: CX14BASICPLUSAGMS21150685
TRANSPALET ELECTRIC LIFTER PRAMAC CX14 (II ED.) BASIC PLUS AGM 1150X685LIZE ELECTRICE LIFTER PRAMAC PROFESIONALE SMALL SIZE, LONG ENDURANCEELECTRIC PALLET TRUCK - CX14The new CX14 electric pallet trucks are compact, lightweight and easy to use. They have been specifically designed for use in confined spaces within rail, shops, supermarkets and on-board delivery vehicles.These simple and efficient pallet trucks are built to last and are perfect for all your pedestrian material handling needs.BASI..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: CX14S2BASICPLUS800525
TRANSPALET ELECTRIC PROFESIONAL CX14 (II ED.) BASIC PLUS AGM 800X525LIZA ELECTRICA PROFESIONALA LIFTER PRAMACSMALL SIZE, LONG ENDURANCEELECTRIC PALLET TRUCK - CX14The new CX14 electric pallet trucks are compact, lightweight and easy to use. They have been specifically designed for use in confined spaces within rail, shops, supermarkets and on-board delivery vehicles.These simple and efficient pallet trucks are built to last and are perfect for all your pedestrian material handling needs.BASIC PL..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: CX14BASICS21000525
TRANSPALET PROFESIONAL TRANSPALET ELECTRIC LIFTER PRAMAC CX14 (II ED.) BASIC 1000X525SMALL SIZE, GREAT MANOEUVRABILITYELECTRIC PALLET TRUCK - CX14The new CX14 electric pallet trucks are compact, lightweight and easy to use. They have been specifically designed for use in confined spaces within rail, shops, supermarkets and on-board delivery vehicles.These simple and efficient pallet trucks are built to last and are perfect for all your pedestrian material handling needs.BASIC VERSIONThe BASIC ve..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: CX14BASICS21000685
TRANSPALET ELECTRIC LIFTER PRAMAC CX14 (II ED.) BASIC 1000X685SMALL SIZE, GREAT MANOEUVRABILITYELECTRIC PALLET TRUCK - CX14The new CX14 electric pallet trucks are compact, lightweight and easy to use. They have been specifically designed for use in confined spaces within rail, shops, supermarkets and on-board delivery vehicles.These simple and efficient pallet trucks are built to last and are perfect for all your pedestrian material handling needs.BASIC VERSIONThe BASIC version is equipped with:..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: CX!$BASICS21150525
TRANSPALET ELECTRIC LIFTER PRAMAC LIZA ELECTRICA CX14 (II ED.) BASIC 1150X525SMALL SIZE, GREAT MANOEUVRABILITYELECTRIC PALLET TRUCK - CX14The new CX14 electric pallet trucks are compact, lightweight and easy to use. They have been specifically designed for use in confined spaces within rail, shops, supermarkets and on-board delivery vehicles.These simple and efficient pallet trucks are built to last and are perfect for all your pedestrian material handling needs.BASIC VERSIONThe BASIC version is..
0,00 lei
AfiÅŸare 81 - 120 din 188 (5 pagini)
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