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La oferim o gamă foarte variată de stivuitoare, care se împart în trei categorii: stivuitoarele electrice, manuale și semi-electrice. Toate modelele pe care le vei regăsi sunt produse de către Pramac, care asigură calitate și buna funcționare a produselor în cauză. Atunci când vine vorba despre acest tip de produse, ai încredere în noi deoarece ceea ce oferim este reprezentat de performanță, seriozitate și raport calitate-preț excelent. Atât în cadrul industriei de construcții, cât și în supermarketuri sau depozite, stivuitoarele sunt soluția cea mai optimă de transportare a mărfii.

Un raport calitate-preț foarte bun

Costurile pe care le vei regăsi la noi sunt printre cele mai mici de pe piață, întrucât dorim să oferim posibilitatea de achiziționarea a unor stivuitoare de mare performanță, rezistente și fabricate de către o companie cu experiență, la prețuri avantajoase. Starea acestor stivuitoare este impecabilă și funcționează perfect, fiind executate cu mare atenție la toate detaliile. Astfel că te poți bucura de o experiență de cumpărare și de utilizare în parametrii tehnici normali, doar la

Stivuitoare diferite

Modelele de stivuitoare pe care le oferim fac parte dintr-o gamă largă de astfel de produse, întrucât ținem cont de faptul că fiecare persoană are nevoi diferite, iar noi ne dorim să ne adaptăm tuturor cerințelor și solicitărilor primite de la clienții noștri. Astfel că avem stivuitoare electrice de diverse capacități, manuali, cu ridicare hidraulică sau cu ridicare stacker. Opțiunile sunt diverse, astfel că merită să vizualizezi produsele noastre.

Produse performante

Mulțumirea și satisfacerea clienților noștri este scopul nostru principal, iar în acest sens toate modelele de stivuitoare sunt foarte performante și profesionale. Din acest motiv Pramac este compania producătoare principală cu care noi colaborăm.

Avantajul costurilor reduse

Un aspect pe care cu toții îl luăm în considerare este bugetul de care dispunem pentru a achiziționa un anumit produs sau serviciu. În acest sens, la vei găsi stivuitoare cu prețurile cele mai mici de pe piață.

Profită de consultanță fără plată

Oportunitatea de a primi recomandări, sfaturi și informații este un plus în relația noastră cu clienții, iar în acest sens dispunem de serviciu de consultanță, fără a plăti. Astfel că te poți consulta cu echipa, formată din oameni specializați, care pot oferi recomandări și îți pot răspunde la orice nelămurire care intervine odată cu decizia de a cumpăra produsul respectiv.

Ușor de folosit și rezistente

Transpaleții sunt foarte ușor de folosit, astfel că nu trebuie să fii expert și să cunoști toate datele tehnice în legătură cu aceste produse. Stivuitoarele oferite de către noi prezintă o mare rezistență în timp și eficiență pentru o bună funcționare, astfel că odată ce ai investit într-un astfel de produs, trebuie să cunoști faptul că mentenanța și întreținerea trebuie făcute cu în conformitate cu sfaturile specialiștilor. 

Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STACKERGX1225BASIC
STIVUITOR ELECTRIC LIFTER PRAMAC GX 12/25 BASICTHE COMPACT STACKERThis compact, powerful and robust stacker is the ideal solution for working in confined spaces.The reduced width (800 mm), the lateral driving system and the wide mast positioning allow great manoeuvrability, stability and visibility.Built-in battery charger with integrated cable and plug make it a plug and play unit!BASICThe BASIC verision is equipped with starting type battery, a tiller made with metal tube and hergonomic contro..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STACKERGX12-25BASICPA
Stivuitor electric LIFTER PRAMAC GX 12/25 BASIC PLUS AGMTHE COMPACT STACKER WITH LONG AUTONOMYThis compact, powerful and robust stacker is the ideal solution for working in confined spaces.The reduced width (800 mm), the lateral driving system and the wide mast positioning allow great manoeuvrability, stability and visibility.Built-in battery charger with integrated cable and plug make it a plug and play unit!GX BASIC PLUS AGMThe BASIC PLUS AGM version is equipped with AGM Deep cycle batteries, ..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STACKERGX1225EVOA
STIVUITOR ELECTRIC LIFTER PRAMAC GX 12/25 EVO AGMFULLY FEATURED COMPACT STACKERThis compact, powerful and robust stacker is the ideal solution for working in confined spaces.The reduced width (800 mm), the lateral driving system and the wide mast positioning allow great manoeuvrability, stability and visibility.Built-in battery charger with integrated cable and plug make it a plug and play unit!GX EVO AGMThe EVO version is equipped with powerful AGM deep cycle batteries that allow long endurance..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STACKERGX1229BASIC
Stivuitor electric Lifter Pramac GX 12/29 BASICTHE COMPACT STACKERThis compact, powerful and robust stacker is the ideal solution for working in confined spaces.The reduced width (800 mm), the lateral driving system and the wide mast positioning allow great manoeuvrability, stability and visibility.Built-in battery charger with integrated cable and plug make it a plug and play unit!BASICThe BASIC verision is equipped with starting type battery, a tiller made with metal tube and hergonomic contro..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STACKERGX1229BASICPA
Stivuitor electric LIFTER PRAMAC GX 12/29 BASIC PLUS AGM FREE LIFTTHE COMPACT STACKER WITH LONG AUTONOMYThis compact, powerful and robust stacker is the ideal solution for working in confined spaces.The reduced width (800 mm), the lateral driving system and the wide mast positioning allow great manoeuvrability, stability and visibility.Built-in battery charger with integrated cable and plug make it a plug and play unit!FREELIFTThis stacker is available with a total Free Lift configuration, enabl..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STACKERGX1229EVOA
Stivuitor electric Lifter Pramac GX 12/29 EVO AGMFULLY FEATURED COMPACT STACKERThis compact, powerful and robust stacker is the ideal solution for working in confined spaces.The reduced width (800 mm), the lateral driving system and the wide mast positioning allow great manoeuvrability, stability and visibility.Built-in battery charger with integrated cable and plug make it a plug and play unit!GX EVO AGMThe EVO version is equipped with powerful AGM deep cycle batteries that allow long endurance..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STACKERGX1229FLBPA
Stivuitor electric LIFTER PRAMAC GX 12/29 BASIC PLUS AGM FREE LIFTTHE COMPACT STACKER WITH LONG AUTONOMYThis compact, powerful and robust stacker is the ideal solution for working in confined spaces.The reduced width (800 mm), the lateral driving system and the wide mast positioning allow great manoeuvrability, stability and visibility.Built-in battery charger with integrated cable and plug make it a plug and play unit!FREELIFTThis stacker is available with a total Free Lift configuration, enabl..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STACKERGX1235BASIC
Stivuitor electric Lifter Pramac GX 12/35 BASICTHE COMPACT STACKERThis compact, powerful and robust stacker is the ideal solution for working in confined spaces.The reduced width (800 mm), the lateral driving system and the wide mast positioning allow great manoeuvrability, stability and visibility.Built-in battery charger with integrated cable and plug make it a plug and play unit!BASICThe BASIC verision is equipped with starting type battery, a tiller made with metal tube and hergonomic contro..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STACKERGX1235BASICPA
STIVUITOR ELECTRIC PROFESIONAL LIFTER PRAMAC GX 12/35 BASIC PLUS AGMTHE COMPACT STACKER WITH LONG AUTONOMYThis compact, powerful and robust stacker is the ideal solution for working in confined spaces.The reduced width (800 mm), the lateral driving system and the wide mast positioning allow great manoeuvrability, stability and visibility.Built-in battery charger with integrated cable and plug make it a plug and play unit!GX BASIC PLUS AGMThe BASIC PLUS AGM version is equipped with AGM Deep cycle..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STACKERGX1235EVOA
STIVUITOR ELECTRIC LIFTER PRAMAC GX 12/35 EVO AGMFULLY FEATURED COMPACT STACKERThis compact, powerful and robust stacker is the ideal solution for working in confined spaces.The reduced width (800 mm), the lateral driving system and the wide mast positioning allow great manoeuvrability, stability and visibility.Built-in battery charger with integrated cable and plug make it a plug and play unit!GX EVO AGMThe EVO version is equipped with powerful AGM deep cycle batteries that allow long endurance..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STACKERGX1242AVOA
Stivuitor electric profesional LIFTER PRAMAC GX 12/42 EVO AGMFULLY FEATURED COMPACT STACKERThis compact, powerful and robust stacker is the ideal solution for working in confined spaces.The reduced width (800 mm), the lateral driving system and the wide mast positioning allow great manoeuvrability, stability and visibility.Built-in battery charger with integrated cable and plug make it a plug and play unit!GX EVO AGMThe EVO version is equipped with powerful AGM deep cycle batteries that allow lo..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STACKERGX1229FLEA
STIVUITOR ELECTRIC LIFTER PRAMAC GX 12/29 EVO AGM FREE LIFTLider mondial in stivuitoare electrice, transpaleti , manuali, semi-electrici si electrici LIFTER PRAMACFULLY FEATURED COMPACT STACKERThis compact, powerful and robust stacker is the ideal solution for working in confined spaces.The reduced width (800 mm), the lateral driving system and the wide mast positioning allow great manoeuvrability, stability and visibility.Built-in battery charger with integrated cable and plug make it a plug an..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STACKERLX12
STIVUITOR ELECTRIC PROFESIONAL LIFTER PRAMAC LX 12/16DESIGNED FOR TOP PERFORMANCELXThe LX II edition is a strong and reliable partner which bridges the gap between low duty and heavy duty material handling daily operations. Due to its durability, low maintenance LX is suitable for environments as logistic centers, terminals, production and manufacturing areas. Also the new tiller arm equipped with fork lifting and lowering proportional control improves user-friendliness and maneuverability of th..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STACKERLX1225
STIVUITOR ELECTRIC LIFTER PRAMAC LX 12/25DESIGNED FOR TOP PERFORMANCELXThe LX II edition is a strong and reliable partner which bridges the gap between low duty and heavy duty material handling daily operations. Due to its durability, low maintenance LX is suitable for environments as logistic centers, terminals, production and manufacturing areas. Also the new tiller arm equipped with fork lifting and lowering proportional control improves user-friendliness and maneuverability of the truck.ZAPI..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STACKERLX1229FREELIFT
STIVUITOR ELECTRIC LIFTER PRAMAC LX 12/29 FREE LIFTDESIGNED FOR TOP PERFORMANCEThe LX II edition is a strong and reliable partner which bridges the gap between low duty and heavy duty material handling daily operations. Due to its durability, low maintenance LX is suitable for environments as logistic centers, terminals, production and manufacturing areas. Also the new tiller arm equipped with fork lifting and lowering proportional control improves user-friendliness and maneuverability of the tr..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STACKERLX1229
STIVUITOR ELECTRIC LIFTER PRAMAC LX 12/29DESIGNED FOR TOP PERFORMANCESTACKER LXThe LX II edition is a strong and reliable partner which bridges the gap between low duty and heavy duty material handling daily operations. Due to its durability, low maintenance LX is suitable for environments as logistic centers, terminals, production and manufacturing areas. Also the new tiller arm equipped with fork lifting and lowering proportional control improves user-friendliness and maneuverability of the tr..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STACKERLX1235
STIVUITOR ELECTRIC LIFTER PRAMAC LX 12/35DESIGNED FOR TOP PERFORMANCELXThe LX II edition is a strong and reliable partner which bridges the gap between lowduty and heavy duty material handling daily operations. Due to its durability, low maintenance LX is suitable for environments as logistic centers, terminals, production and manufacturing areas. Also the new tiller arm equipped with fork lifting and lowering proportional control improves user-friendliness and maneuverability of the truck.ZAPI ..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STACKERLX1238
STIVUITOR ELECTRIC LIFTER PRAMAC LX 12/38DESIGNED FOR TOP PERFORMANCELXThe LX II edition is a strong and reliable partner which bridges the gap between low duty and heavy duty material handling daily operations. Due to its durability, low maintenance LX is suitable for environments as logistic centers, terminals, production and manufacturing areas. Also the new tiller arm equipped with fork lifting and lowering proportional control improves user-friendliness and maneuverability of the truck.ZAPI..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STACKERLX1242
STIVUITOR ELECTRIC PROFESIONAL LIFTER PRAMAC LX 12/42DESIGNED FOR TOP PERFORMANCELXThe LX II edition is a strong and reliable partner which bridges the gap between lowduty and heavy duty material handling daily operations. Due to its durability, low maintenance LX is suitable for environments as logistic centers, terminals, production and manufacturing areas. Also the new tiller arm equipped with fork lifting and lowering proportional control improves user-friendliness and maneuverability of the..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STACKERLX1442TRFRL
STIVUITOR ELECTRIC LIFTER PRAMAC LX 14/42 TRIPLEX FREE LIFTDESIGNED FOR TOP PERFORMANCEThe new LX is a strong and reliable partner which bridges the gap between low-duty and heavy duty material handling daily operations. Due to its durability, low maintenance LX is suitable for environments as logistic centers, terminals, production and manufacturing areas. Also the new tiller arm equipped with fork lifting and lowering proportional control improves user-friendliness and maneuverability of the t..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STACKERLX1242TRIPLEX
STIVUITOR ELECTRIC LIFTER PRAMAC LX 14/42 TRIPLEXDESIGNED FOR TOP PERFORMANCELXThe LX II edition is a strong and reliable partner which bridges the gap between low duty and heavy duty material handling daily operations. Due to its durability, low maintenance LX is suitable for environments as logistic centers, terminals, production and manufacturing areas. Also the new tiller arm equipped with fork lifting and lowering proportional control improves user-friendliness and maneuverability of the tr..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STACKERLX1445TRIPLEX
STIVUITOR ELECTRIC LIFTER PRAMAC LX 14/45 TRIPLEXDESIGNED FOR TOP PERFORMANCEThe LX II edition is a strong and reliable partner which bridges the gap between low duty and heavy duty material handling daily operations. Due to its durability, low maintenance LX is suitable for environments as logistic centers, terminals, production and manufacturing areas. Also the new tiller arm equipped with fork lifting and lowering proportional control improves user-friendliness and maneuverability of the truc..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STACKERLX1450TRFRLI
STIVUITOR ELECTRIC LIFTER PRAMAC LX 14/50 TRIPLEX FREE LIFTDESIGNED FOR TOP PERFORMANCEThe LX II edition is a strong and reliable partner which bridges the gap between low-duty and heavy duty material handling daily operations. Due to its durability, low maintenance LX is suitable for environments as logistic centers, terminals, production and manufacturing areas. Also the new tiller arm equipped with fork lifting and lowering proportional control improves user-friendliness and maneuverability o..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STACKERLX1450TRIPLEX
STIVUITOR ELECTRIC LIFTER PRAMAC LX 14/50 TRIPLEXDESIGNED FOR TOP PERFORMANCEThe LX II edition is a strong and reliable partner which bridges the gap between low duty and heavy duty material handling daily operations. Due to its durability, low maintenance LX is suitable for environments as logistic centers, terminals, production and manufacturing areas. Also the new tiller arm equipped with fork lifting and lowering proportional control improves user-friendliness and maneuverability of the truc..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STACKERLX1616
STIVUITOR ELECTRIC LIFTER PRAMAC LX 16/16DESIGNED FOR TOP PERFORMANCELXThe LX II edition is a strong and reliable partner which bridges the gap between low duty and heavy duty material handling daily operations. Due to its durability, low maintenance LX is suitable for environments as logistic centers, terminals, production and manufacturing areas. Also the new tiller arm equipped with fork lifting and lowering proportional control improves user-friendliness and maneuverability of the truck.ZAPI..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STACKERLX1625
STIVUITOR ELECTRIC LIFTER PRAMAC LX 16/25DESIGNED FOR TOP PERFORMANCELXThe LX II edition is a strong and reliable partner which bridges the gap between low duty and heavy duty material handling daily operations. Due to its durability, low maintenance LX is suitable for environments as logistic centers, terminals, production and manufacturing areas. Also the new tiller arm equipped with fork lifting and lowering proportional control improves user-friendliness and maneuverability of the truck.ZAPI..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STACKERLX1629
STIVUITOR ELECTRIC LIFTER PRAMAC LX 16/29DESIGNED FOR TOP PERFORMANCELXThe LX II edition is a strong and reliable partner which bridges the gap between low duty and heavy duty material handling daily operations. Due to its durability, low maintenance LX is suitable for environments as logistic centers, terminals, production and manufacturing areas. Also the new tiller arm equipped with fork lifting and lowering proportional control improves user-friendliness and maneuverability of the truck.ZAPI..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STACKERLX1635
STIVUITOR ELECTRIC PROFESIONAL LIFTER PRAMAC LX 16/35DESIGNED FOR TOP PERFORMANCELXThe LX II edition is a strong and reliable partner which bridges the gap between low duty and heavy duty material handling daily operations. Due to its durability, low maintenance LX is suitable for environments as logistic centers, terminals, production and manufacturing areas. Also the new tiller arm equipped with fork lifting and lowering proportional control improves user-friendliness and maneuverability of th..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STACKERLX1445TRFRLI
Stivuitor electric LX 14-45 TRIPLEX FREE LIFT LIFTER PRAMAC LX 14/45 TRIPLEX FREE LIFTDESIGNED FOR TOP PERFORMANCEThe LX II edition is a strong and reliable partner which bridges the gap between low-duty and heavy duty material handling daily operations. Due to its durability, low maintenance LX is suitable for environments as logistic centers, terminals, production and manufacturing areas. Also the new tiller arm equipped with fork lifting and lowering proportional control improves user-friendl..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STIVRX1009BASIC
STIVUITOR ELECTRIC PROFESIONAL LIFTER PRAMAC RX 10/09 BASICTHE LIGHT STACKERRXRX is the most compact in the stackers’ range, single mast, completely electric, suitable for loads up to 1.000 kg, allowing a comfortable, safe use, with low maintenance costs, thanks to robust design with easy access for maintenance. RX combines compactness and ergonomics, covering a wide range of daily applications in the "light duty" area (not for continuous use).BASICThe BASIC verision is equipped with starting ty..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STIVRX1009BASIC PLUS
STIVUITOR ELECTRIC PROFESIONAL LIFTER PRAMAC RX 10/09 PLUSTHE LIGHT STACKERRXRX is the most compact in the stackers’ range, single mast, completely electric, suitable for loads up to 1.000 kg, allowing a comfortable, safe use, with low maintenance costs, thanks to robust design with easy access for maintenance. RX combines compactness and ergonomics, covering a wide range of daily applications in the "light duty" area (not for continuous use).PLUSThe PLUS version is equipped with powerful semitr..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STIVRX1009EVO
STIVUITOR ELECTRIC PROFESIONAL LIFTER PRAMAC RX 10/09 EVOFULLY LOADED COMPACT MONOMAST STACKERRXRX is the most compact in the stackers’ range, single mast, completely electric, suitable for loads up to 1.000 kg, allowing a comfortable, safe use, with low maintenance costs, thanks to robust design with easy access for maintenance. RX combines compactness and ergonomics, covering a wide range of daily applications in the "light duty" area (not for continuous use).RX EVOThe EVO version is equipped ..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STIVRX1016BASIC
STIVUITOR ELECTRIC PROFESIONAL LIFTER PRAMAC RX 10/16 BASICTHE LIGHT STACKERRXRX is the most compact in the stackers’ range, single mast, completely electric, suitable for loads up to 1.000 kg, allowing a comfortable, safe use, with low maintenance costs, thanks to robust design with easy access for maintenance. RX combines compactness and ergonomics, covering a wide range of daily applications in the "light duty" area (not for continuous use).BASICThe BASIC verision is equipped with starting ty..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STIVRX1016BASICPLUS
STIVUITOR ELECTRIC Din gama de STIVUITOARE PROFESIONALE ELECTRICE LIFTER PRAMAC RX 10/16 PLUSTHE LIGHT STACKERRXRX is the most compact in the stackers’ range, single mast, completely electric, suitable for loads up to 1.000 kg, allowing a comfortable, safe use, with low maintenance costs, thanks to robust design with easy access for maintenance. RX combines compactness and ergonomics, covering a wide range of daily applications in the "light duty" area (not for continuous use).PLUSThe PLUS versi..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STIVRX1016EVOA
STIVUITOR ELECTRIC PROFESIONAL RX 10/16 EVO PLUS AUTOLEVELING FULLY LOADED COMPACT MONOMAST STACKERRXRX is the most compact in the stackers’ range, single mast, completely electric, suitable for loads up to 1.000 kg, allowing a comfortable, safe use, with low maintenance costs, thanks to robust design with easy access for maintenance. RX combines compactness and ergonomics, covering a wide range of daily applications in the "light duty" area (not for continuous use).RX EVOThe EVO version is..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STIVRX1016EVO
STIVUITOARE ELECTRICE PROFESIONALE STIVUITOR ELECTRIC LIFTER PRAMAC RX 10/16 EVOFULLY LOADED COMPACT MONOMAST STACKERRXRX is the most compact in the stackers’ range, single mast, completely electric, suitable for loads up to 1.000 kg, allowing a comfortable, safe use, with low maintenance costs, thanks to robust design with easy access for maintenance. RX combines compactness and ergonomics, covering a wide range of daily applications in the "light duty" area (not for continuous use).RX EVOThe E..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STACKERTX1009
STACKER SEMI-ELECTRIC TX 10/09Transpalet electric cu ridicare hidraulica LIFTER PRAMAC THE RAISING POWERMX – TXThe TX series stackers are characterized by manual traction and electrohydraulic lifting technology. These stackers are very steady and are suitable for lifting very heavy loads safely. Version 12 (1.2 t) includes polyurethane wheels as standard to reduce resistance and effort required even with full load capacity.START KEY AND BATTERY CUT-OFF (ISOLATOR) SWITCHThe start key on the ..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STACKER1016
STACKER SEMI-ELECTRIC Transpalet electric cu ridicare hidraulica TX 10/16Liza semi-electrica LIFTER PRAMACTHE RAISING POWERMX – TXThe TX series stackers are characterized by manual traction and electrohydraulic lifting technology. These stackers are very steady and are suitable for lifting very heavy loads safely. Version 12 (1.2 t) includes polyurethane wheels as standard to reduce resistance and effort required even with full load capacity.START KEY AND BATTERY CUT-OFF (ISOLATOR) SWITCHThe sta..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STACKERTX1016S
STACKER SEMI_ELECTRIC TX 10/16 STRADDLE LIFTER PRAMAC TX STRADDLELiza transpalet semi-electric, tractiune elctrica si ridicare hidraulicaTHE RAISING POWERThe main feature of the Straddle series, which is available for the TX models, is the possibility to adjust the forks and the clamps for great versatility in the handling of loads of different sizes.START KEY AND BATTERY CUT-OFF (ISOLATOR) SWITCHThe start key on the TX stacker performs a double function:• switches the stacker on/off;• is an eme..
0,00 lei
Disponibil: In Stoc Model: STACKERTX1020
TRANSPALET ELECTRIC CU RIDICARE HIDRAULICA LIFTER PRAMAC TX 10/20LIZA ELECTRICA CU RIDICARE HIDRAULICATHE RAISING POWERMX – TXThe TX series stackers are characterized by manual traction and electrohydraulic lifting technology. These stackers are very steady and are suitable for lifting very heavy loads safely. Version 12 (1.2 t) includes polyurethane wheels as standard to reduce resistance and effort required even with full load capacity.START KEY AND BATTERY CUT-OFF (ISOLATOR) SWITCHThe start k..
0,00 lei
Afişare 1 - 40 din 46 (2 pagini)
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